Hi friends. How are we all doing?I know that's a loaded question. If you're like me, you're worried. Anxious. Trying to hold things together as [Read More]
Bread and Wool
Today I have had an absolutely glorious few hours to myself at home. Sean took Declan to swim lessons and then out for errands, and I sat and did [Read More]
Wee baby knit for the first finished project in 2020
Pattern: EoleYarn: Knit Picks Hawthorne Speckle Hand Paint in Graffiti, paired with Black Sheep Dyeworks mini skein in Damson Plum for the [Read More]
WIP Wednesday – January 15, 2020
There's nothing like a sick kiddo to throw a wrench in your day. After a rough night of coughing fits, I woke up with my 5am alarm to my 5 year [Read More]
Warm chunky blankets on cold winter nights
Did you see these amazing projects from Friday night's chunky blanket class? We had NINE people in attendance that night, which meant nine [Read More]